Did you ever wish decision-makers weren't so quick to give you the old blow-off?

There's a good reason for it and you won't like it!

Decision makers have been exposed to thousands of calls, voicemails, emails, and LinkedIn messaging, and guess what;

It all pretty much sounds the same, in fact;

I'm willing to bet that your cold calls, emails, and LinkedIn messaging sound identical to ALL the other messaging your prospects have been receiving, so;

Why bother to hear you out when they know what's coming next?

In your defense, you (hopefully) have tried to change things up but;

More often than not, you stare at your computer screen trying desperately to create something different, effective, and that ultimately will;

Get you in front of your dream client.

How's that working out for you?

I created our new prospecting program to save you time and the heartache of all the trial and error it takes to come up with FRESH prospecting tactics.

You're going to save you a ton of time because;

I'm including 50 templates from email, to cold call openers, to LinkedIn, and;

Just for sh*ts and giggles 25 ChatGPT prompts!

Here's a brief overview of the pre-recorded sessions;

How To Create An Effective Prospecting Plan

  • How To Get (And Keep) Prospecting On The Calendar Even When You're Crazy Busy
  • How To Dramatically Increase Your Sales Productivity
  • How To Add Another 16-32 Selling Days Each Year WITHOUT Putting In Overtime
  • Creating An Effective "Money Hours/11:30 Plan"
  • The 3 Obstacles To Your Sales Success and The Remedy To Get You Back On Track

20 Ways To Find (And Create) Sales Opportunities

  • 10 Places Where Reps Forget To Look For Opportunities
  • An Incredibly Counterintuitive Place To Hunt For Business
  • How To Triple Your Referrals
  • How To Find Decision Makers With The Urgency To Buy NOW

Meticulous Pre-Call Planning

  • How To Do Your "Homework" WITHOUT Falling Into The Research Vortex
  • The 4 Things You Should "Google"
  • A Website You've Probably Aren't Using That Should Be Included In Your Research

How To Avoid and Overcome Phone Objections

  • 10 Cold Call Openers That Can Dramatically Reduce Phone Objections
  • 5 Phrases To Avoid At All Costs
  • How To Master The Art Of The "Pattern Interrupt"
  • The 3-Step Objection Buster Formula
  • How To Respond To Typical Stalls ("Send Me Your Info", "Call Back Next Month", Etc.)
  • How To Respond To Typical Objections ("Not Interested", "Already Have A Vendor", "No Time", "No Budget"

10 Email Tactics That Will Get A Decision Maker's Attention

  • The 3-Touch “Promise” Sequence (Plus 3 templates)
  • 14 Ways To Establish Credibility (Plus 5 Templates)
  • The Email I Send When Someone Is Using My Competitor (Plus 1 Template)
  • 2 Types Of Referral Emails (Plus 2 Templates)
  • The One Type Of Email The C-Level Can’t Resist (Plus 1 Template)

How To Generate MORE Opportunities Via LinkedIn

  • Why posting lots of content on LinkedIn can be a HUGE waste of time
  • How to use LinkedIn Polls as a lead generation tool
  • How to leverage “LinkedIn Trigger Events” that are right in front of you every day
  • The 3 Touch LinkedIn Sequence and the extended 12-month communication plan. Plus a shitton of templates
  • How to dramatically increase your response rates and set more appointments via LinkedIn
  • How to use ChatGPT to save time and improve the quality of your messaging

The 8 Tactics To Use When Potential Clients AREN'T Returning Your Calls

  • The "Prove It To Me BEFORE I Speak With You" Sequence With 5 Email Templates
  • The AI Prompt That Will Quickly Make Your Sales Messaging More Relevant To A Decision Maker
  • The "Ghosting Repellant" Tactic With Email Template
  • Tactics That Will Increase The Probability Of A Prospect Taking/Returning Your Call
  • Two Ways To Use "Multi-Threading" To Get In The Door And Stay There  

How To Prospect With ChatGPT As Your Sidekick

  • How To Use AI To Target Your ICP (Ideal Customer Profile)
  • Creating a Hyper-Personalized Multi-Channel Prospecting Sequence with ChatGPT
  • Customizing Your Cold Calls, Voicemails, Emails, and LinkedIn Templates Like a Pro – Your Style, Your Voice
  • 25 ChatGPT Prompts That Will Supercharge Your Prospecting Game

What's Included?

(8) 60-75 Minute Pre-Recorded Training Modules

75+ Actionable Tips and Tactics

10 Cold Call Openers Templates

Objection Buster Templates With Suggested Responses

30 Cold Email and LinkedIn Templates

12 Months LinkedIn Cadence

"Prove It To Me BEFORE I Meet With You" Sequence With Templates

25 ChatGPT Prompts For Sales Reps

Email Support For Any Course Related Questions

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