The Sad Reality Of Cold Emails

And it isn't pretty! 

For every 100 cold emails you send, you'll typically get 1-5 responses, and if we're being totally honest;

The majority of those responses will be the business equivalent of an emphatic "F*ck off!"

But here's the thing;

You're not a copywriter, nor do you have the time to stare at your computer screen trying to come up with an email that will get you in front of your dream client!

On May 17th, I will share 10 email templates and several tactics to help you get that busy decision-maker's attention!

Here's what you'll discover during this webinar:

  • The Risk Factors Tactic and Email Template
  • Brevity Email Templates: The "One Liner" Template and The "Short and Direct" Template
  • 5 Ways To Use Humor To Stand Out + 5 Templates
  • The 3 Biggest Reasons Why Most Sales Emails Are Flagged As Spam
  • The Cold Email Template To Use When You're Job Hunting
  • The 5 Opening Lines That Ruin It For You
  • The Template To Use When You Research A Potential Client And Come Up Empty
  • 10 Examples Of How Your Peers Are Using Soft CTA's At The End Of Their Cold Emails (Bonus PDF)
  • The Secret Google Tactic For Finding Email Addresses
  • The 4 Audits Your Cold Emails MUST Pass


Friday, May 17th, from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm EST

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Sign up anyway and we'll send you the webinar replay and all the resources listed below!

What's included?

(1) 60-75 Minute Webinar

Webinar Replay 

10 Cold Email Templates

10 Soft CTA’s Bonus PDF

Stop Stressing Over your emails!

Join us for some FRESH ideas.

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